Class 1, Division 1 NEMA Brakes & Class 2, Division 1 NEMA Brakes
Use Cases for Division 1 Disc Brakes
In industrial environments that are frequently subjected to dangers presented by a variety of different types of explosive conditions—namely in the form of vapors, gases, dusts and combustible fibers and flyings, measures must be taken to account for both production cost and employee safety.
What Does Division 1 Mean?
The National Electrical Code (NEC) defines Division 1 as the category for environments where concentrations of hazards exist under normal operating conditions or where the hazard is a result of frequent maintenance or repair work. Installation requirements are typically more stringent for Division 1 locations in comparison to Division 2 due to the inherent combustion volatility that stems from industrial, commercial or scientific settings.
Division 1 NEMA certified brakes can be further broken down into classes, which define the type of explosive or ignitable substance which are present in the atmosphere.
Division 1 Class Types
Class 1 locations are locations that may contain flammable gases or vapors and explosive or ignitable concentrations. NEMA Class 1, Division 1 disc brakes are designed to not allow flame or spark to rupture the enclosure.
Division 1 Group Types
Class 1 gases and vapors are further categorized into groups. Groups are defined as the explosive characteristics of the air mixtures of gases, vapors or dusts. Materials are placed in groups based on their ignition temperatures, maximum explosive pressure, and other specific properties.
- Group A - used in Division 2 locations
- Group B - used in Division 2 locations
- Group C - used in Division 1 locations: includes ethylene, cyclopropane, and hydrogen sulfide.
- Group D - used in Division 1 locations: includes gasoline, naphtha, benzine, butane, propane, alcohol, acetone, lacquer, natural gas, ammonia.
Class 2 locations are locations with high volumes of combustible dust, but ultimately qualify as less hazardous than Class 1. A NEMA Class 2, Division 1 disc brakes are designed with enclosures that restrict the entry of ignitable dusts or exit of sparks or hot gases which may cause the ignition of dust suspended in the air through limited exterior surface temperature. Class 2 dusts are categorized into three groups:
- Group E - used in Division 1 locations: includes dust of aluminum, magnesium, or commercial alloys
- Group F - used in Division 1 & Division 2 locations: carbon black, coal, coak dusts
- Group G - used in Division 1 & Division 2 locations: flour, starch, grain dusts
Locate a Stearns Division 1 Brake by Industry:
Agriculture | Cement & Aggregate | Crane & Hoist | Food & Beverage | Forestry | Gas & Oil | Marine | Material Handling | Mining | Packaging | Water Processing
Products Similar to Division 1 NEMA Brakes
For Hazards that Show Up Less Frequently Under Normal Operating Conditions
Stearns’ Division 2 motor brakes help eliminate ignitable concentrations of hazardous liquids and granular solid particles produced under abnormal industrial operation conditions and are manufactured in accordance with electroindustry standards set by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association’s (NEMA).
For the Mining Sector
Stearns’ provides a line of industrial mining brakes that are Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-Certified and designed in compliance with NEMA standards making them the safest option for rotating drive equipment that requires a commercial brake system with simple on-and-off braking components, or alternatively, a complex braking system fit for dynamic environments requiring different braking responses to fluctuating environmental conditions.
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