Double C-Face Coupler Brakes
Double C-face brakes use a self-contained design that support a range of coil voltages and function as a coupler between standard C-face motors and standard C-face gear reducers.
Use Cases | Benefits | Applicable Industries
Stearns offers two types of general purpose double C-face industrial brakes:
Use Cases for Double C-Face Brakes for NEMA C-Face Motors
Stearns provides a general purpose line of double C-face motor brakes in accordance with the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) standards. Double C-face brakes present a simple solution for coupling a C-face motor to a C-face gear reducer and support a range of rotational force requirements with torque support spanning from 1.5 to 105 lb-ft. General purpose double C-face brakes at Stearns are intended for indoor or outdoor use primarily to provide protection against dust, rain, ice formations and other natural elements.
How Does a Double C-Face Coupler Brake Work?
Stearns NEMA double C-face coupler brakes are a style of brake constructed in a safety-focused fashion which protects employees and critical mechanical parts in the event of a system failure by powering off and pausing an industrial operation until the system error has been resolved.
Benefits of Stearns Double C-Face Brake Couplers
Coupler benefits include:
- Spring set, electrically released
- Rugged 4-stud design for simplified mounting
- Simple wear adjustments that provide easy maintenance
- Standard or dust-tight, water-proof enclosures available
- Sturdy construction for long, quiet operation
- Optional space heater
The largest advantage of a double C-face brake is that it easily attaches to a standard NEMA C-face motor and are designed to provide maximum versatility in accordance with space size. Horizontally mounted double C-face brakes used in variable-torque and constant-torque-dependent commercial applications making them ideal for a range of use cases including: pumps, compressors, cranes, conveyor belts, fans, and more. Alternatively, vertically mounted double C-face brakes are well suited for industrial pump systems and low-inertia applications where space is more limited due to worker access requirements or restraints by larger, neighboring structural parts.
Easy Add-On to Existing Equipment
Disc brake couplers are versatile units that can be mounted to a C-face motor and reducer with simple two-wire connections to single phase or polyphase motors. As an easy add to existing equipment without having to replace the motor or other critical system components, double C-face brakes offer optimal torque levels with minimal maintenance or downtime.
Locate a Stearns Brake by Industry:
Agriculture | Cement & Aggregate | Crane & Hoist | Food & Beverage | Forestry | Forklifts | Gas & Oil | Marine | Material Handling | Mining | Packaging | Water Processing
Products Similar to General Purpose Double C-Face Brake
Stearns line of Non-Drive End (NDE) mounted brakes are ideal for industrial motor systems that require gearboxes used to increase torque while decreasing motor output and typically provide more space for additional system accessories like a fan to cool the motor.
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